How foundation training is organised at Severn Foundation School

Allocation Process

Based on applicant scores during the national application process and expressed order of preference of rotation; Severn Foundation School allocates all foundation doctors to a two year rotation prior to the start of the Foundation Programme.

Severn will not be using interviews to allocate applicants to programme. Successful applicants will be asked to rank programmes online, then allocated using the score by which they were allocated to Foundation School.

Linked applicants will have their link honoured to group level assuming both applicants rank the groups in the same order. 

Key School Personnel

Postgraduate Dean: Professor Geoff Smith
Foundation School Director: Dr Clare van Hamel
Education Programme Manager: Natalie Band

Key local education provider personnel

View the Trusts webpage.

Information Events / Open Days for Potential Applicants

Foundation School Welcome Fair (for successful Severn applicants) Wednesday 20th March 13:30 - 16:30.

Foundation Doctor Forums

Severn Foundation School encourages foundation doctors to contribute to, and participate in, the following local forums: Foundation School Committee, Educational Strategy Group, Simulation Training Working Group, Quality Improvement Working Group.

Additionally, there are national meetings organised by the UKFPO.

Educational and Clinical Supervision

Severn foundation doctors are allocated an educational supervisor for each year of their Foundation Programme, to maintain an overview of development and progress of the doctor within the training programme.  A clinical supervisor will be allocated for each four month placement.


All F1 doctors are required to undertake a mandatory (paid) induction/shadowing period prior to commencing F1. Foundation doctors will, therefore, need to have their Provisional GMC Registration in place for the start of this induction period.

Flexible Training (Less than full time)

Information on training Less Than Full Time in Severn Foundation School.

Study Leave

Study Leave policy.

A maximum of five days Study Leave may be taken during F1 to undertake career ‘Taster’ sessions.

Severn provides a Regional F2 Teaching Programme, which encourages foundation doctors to experience training as part of the Foundation School. The regional teaching programme enables us to use expert faculty members to deliver proven educational material as required by the Foundation Curriculum. The Regional programme also offers an opportunity for doctors in training to network, which has always been recognised as an important part of professional development.

Inter Foundation School Transfer (IFST)

Foundation doctors contemplating an Inter-Foundation School Transfer should read the UKFP guidance, and apply to their allocated/current Foundation School. Applications must be approved and signed by the local Foundation Training Programme Director and Foundation School Director. See our IFST page for more information.

Time Out of Foundation Programme (TOFP)

Foundation doctors contemplating Time Out of Foundation Programme should read our TOFP guidance and apply to their current Foundation School. Applications must be approved and signed by the local Foundation Training Programme Director and Foundation School Director.

F2 Abroad

Severn Foundation School does accredit doctors who wish to undertake their F2 year outside the UK. Approval must be obtained in advance, and doctors must apply for this approval by the end of January in their F1 year. For further information, see the F2 Overseas.